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Each of you will be required to write a “paper”/”lecture note” in LaTex. You should setup a working LaTex environment (for OS X use MACTex and consider installing homebrew) on the computing system you wish to use for this course (the Linux-based CIMS networked computers have everything you need and more). First-time LaTex users (but also others!) should consider using the WYSIWYG Latex frontend / word processor LyX to start. Students that prefer to work directly with LaTex should take a look at some latex-specific editors, such as the free and portable TeXMaker or (my preference) TeXstudio (installed on Courant’s linux network). More experienced users could use a programming editor that is latex-aware, such as atom-latex or LaTeXTools-sublime. If you want to make presentations in PowerPoint or keynote and include equations, try LatexIt (comes with MACTex on OS X systems), or the IguanaTex PowerPoint plugin (if using Windows, see the “disabled macros” fix).

To co-edit and comment on the written samples as a group, we will use Overleaf, and maybe github+TeX editor of choice (github is integrated with Overleaf pretty nicely).